
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

nom nom nom. how yummy is it! she is so fun to play with now and she sure is a chatter box next time!! making lots of noises as if she is responding to you when talking to her. how to go back to work like this?! I’m sure I will miss her a lot and so this time round of being a second time mum, i give her lots more hugs and cuddling. I’m enjoying her babyhood more than the first, not as daunting as it seemed to be!
as the saying goes “it will just get better as the time goes” and this is quite true! we are quicker in getting ready to head out than the initial phase and I think it is harder to settle the first than the baby these days. #dayremummies
LX is at this phase where she knows how to argue and talk back when we asked her to do certain things?! and when I forget to bring her stuff like hanky or milk she will says “naughty you mama”! Don’t know to laugh or to discipline her. It is actually quite funny when she says that and I guess this is what makes parenting quite tough? is like don’t know when/where to draw the line? we are too learning everyday on how to be a parent alongside as they grow.
last night she made me sing a kiddy song just so that she can shake her butt to show me in front of the mirror. she has been practicing her dance moves this few days as her school concert is coming this Saturday. Quite looking forward to her first performance but I was told that she only dance when she is given biscuits! Super tum jiak! So not sure how it will turn out.
as usual every weekends, LX will tell me “拍照” in her ang mo slang. It took me a while to figure out what she was trying to say. So when I put on hairband for mei mei, she then run into her room to pick out a matching one for herself which she usually don’t because she don’t like anything to be on her head till mei mei come along. she just want to twinning with her!
and she really loves her mei mei a lot a lot! she will tell me she wants to hug, carry, kiss and read to her. she remembers that mei mei cannot eat ice cream, pizza! I think is because we used to read “I’m a big sister” book gifted by @janenyx while preparing her to be a big sister and it kinda helps!
sbd and I sneak out for a short one hour date to the philips fair on sunday with no intention to buy anything but just to have a look at what they offers! who knows we spend quite a bit and I finally bought a pressure cooker after contemplating for a long time ever since I saw the instant pot. always amazed by how fast it can cook the food!
I have been looking at recipes and videos on how to use it. I’m thinking of making char siew today or tomorrow because LX loves to eat 😂 hope this new gadget won’t become a white elephant!
 Yay! mei mei flips! 
she usually sleeps on her tummy but these few days I notice that she is facing upwards when we go in and check on her. We didn’t catch her flipping in action thou and do hope it’s not the reason why she wakes up in the middle of the night and unable to fall back to sleep yesterday. *fingers crossed. #12weeks

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