
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

random | kmart

LX is still sleeping as of now! My mum is away 10 days for holiday since last Wednesday. So I have been working from home and looking after the little one. I am so exhausted at the end of each day but I realised I do miss spending quality with her after being pregnant. Making her to nap, bathing her and getting to know more about her. Indeed she have really grown quite a lot.
The way she speaks and does things really amazed me at times. Is like since when did she know this particular words or actions that she do? this is probably the cons of being a working mum.
 random conversation/incident with LX 
- she woke up and asked her papa not to go to work one day but eventually she let him go because her papa told he needs to earn money to buy her waffles. She loves Prima deli kaya waffles, she’s such a glutton!
- she has this panda 🐼 lunch box where she put her snacks like yogurt sweet and puff. she came to me telling me that there’s no more and I told her I will wash the lunchbox later (i was busy preparing dinner), then I heard sound of the water and quickly went out to take a look. There she was showing me that she is washing the lunch box with soap!
- she was bathing and she told me “all done” (I was busy replying work email and shouted: “can you get the towel and get yourself wrap up?”) After a few mins, she was all wrapped with towel like a big girl walking out from bathroom!
- i was preparing dinner and suddenly it went all so quiet till I wasn’t quite used to it. I went out and didn’t see her at the living room and shouted “LX..where are you?!” Found her in her room sitting quietly playing with her mini dollhouse and I went back continue cooking. Normally she is quite a sticky but it doesn’t seemed like it now.
- On Father’s Day that morning my daughter told me “I want papa to change for me”. This pretty sums up their super love relationship and she told us that papa cannot carry baby last night while the rest of us can. I’m pretty sure she will get very jealous when baby 2 comes out.
- she is always looking out for me when she requested me to play with her and often reminding me not to sit on the floor because got baby. Aww. this alway gets me, at such a tender age she actually knows?
There’s actually more but this are the few that I particularly remember the most. 

It’s really not an easy feat to work, take care of the kid, cook all at the same time! but I must admit that LX does make it easier by being able to play by herself while I cook. It’s definitely not helping when I’m experiencing backache these few days. #dayrepregnancy #dayremummies
long overdue #kmart loots bought over by my colleague last month during the workshop. It’s quite heavy cause is all wooden toys and I have been eyeing this mini dollhouse for quite a while. so blessed that this colleague doesn’t mind and even lugged it back for me! she even wanted to help me bring back a pegboard but I decided not to. It’s too much a hassle! these are not all, there are stuff for the baby too. couldn’t resist when it is so much cheaper.
so I decided to open up sometime last week and fix this for LX to play since I won’t be bringing her anywhere, she will be cooping up at home with me. eventually I got the Husband to do it cause too many screws and the instruction manual looks complicated 😝
also prepared some activities for her to do at home and so far she loves it. It kept her entertained quite a fair bit and this is just one of the few that I have printed. there are actually more! I’m trying to make staying at home a little more fun without TV or phone. But she has been singing and requesting to watch baby shark a do do do on and off. lol


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