
Monday, April 23, 2018

Throwback - Maternity Photoshoot

I was looking through the maternity photos that we took previously and realised that this set of our photos never seen the light before, not even one photo on IG. I only merely posted two of it on dayre and that’s it! Partially because I received the photos only after I gave birth and then motherhood consumed a whole lot of me, was pretty overwhelmed that season with getting the hang of surviving sleep deprivation due to breastfeeding. Was so determined to be on 100% breast milk for baby then.
Being a first time mum was not easy feat especially when conflicting views or rather the different school of thoughts on how you should raise your kids come in whilst still learning on how to handle a newborn and understanding their cues. We are pretty adamant on doing our own way and there are some sort of decisions that we have made/agreed on how we want to raise our kid.
Decisions that we made includes not giving pacifier, sleep training in place to establish routine, 100 percent on BM, no immediate picking up when the baby cries, sleeping alone in her room on her cot, no yao lan and the list just goes on.
It doesn’t really quite matter on whatever decision you choose to make as long as both of you are comfortable. I’m a strong believer of Happy Mother = Happy Baby! When the mum is happy, the dad will have lesser things to headache and contribute more together in raising the kid.
I find it very important to to be on the same page as your spouse else quarrel and disagreement bound to arise. This could either lead to unhappiness or makes your relationship turns sour in the long run.

With a kid along in the relationship, it’s totally a new ball game where it actually turns your world upside down. A lot of new adjustments and sacrifices to be made for this supposedly new season of your life BUT definitely very rewarding to watch them grow.
Can’t imagine my life without her now and at times when she is asleep I would miss her and hope that she wake up soon, but once she is awake I hope that she is taking a nap. I’m having such conflicting dilemma all the times! 

#obessedmum #dayremummies #dayrepregnancy #maternityshoot
Clinging to God’s word really helps a lot in this parenting journey. For the saying goes “If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it” on this parenting journey. Very true indeed! It’s a time to draw even nearer to God for he is always there.

Don’t know if is pregnancy hormones, I am having lots of thoughts, reflections and words coming out of me these days. Sorry for digressing! Back to my maternity photos ok, I still love this set of photos and it does bring back lots of memories.
nestled in the greens with the amateur mini styling done by yours truly.
“I’m in love with a child I haven yet met”. Till date it’s still my favourite quote.
the DIY box done by my sister as a gift for little LX to house all her hairband.
my baby bump taken at 33 weeks.
yay to no stretch marks, been diligently applying bio oil every day and night. It’s the same for third pregnancy and I’m on to my second bottle for now.
hello tiny feets
is amazing how our body works, the tummy can be stretches so much to accommodate pregnancy.
always awkward to have standing shot together because of the height differences lol
For this pregnancy we didn’t manage to book any baby moon trip due to work commitments and I just feel so lazy to plan etc. Probably will just splurge on having a maternity shoot with little LX and hub for keepsakes plus save for our year end trip.

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