
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Potty Training for Toddler Girl

 Potty Training 
Ever since I sent her to my mum’s place when she was four months old, my mum had been potty training her by placing her on the potty at every possible chance such as when she wakes up from her nap etc. She was on washable diapers at my mum place and only uses it when she back home with us. Thankful for that cause we actually saved quite a fair bit!
But this kind of early training didn’t really work out when it should? Supposedly by seeing my niece and nephews she should be faster in the sense that “monkey see monkey do”. My youngest nephew stopped wearing diapers when he turned two which was pretty fast! 

We didn’t really reinforced this when she is home with us until recently when she started school. We found signs of readiness in her and we tried going “diaper-less” for THREE days in a row during one of the long weekends.
 Cutesy Panties 
We started off by making a habit of coaxing her to wear some really cute panties each time we reach home during weekdays after work and removed her diaper. Thou it is only for an hour plus before her bedtime but it helps! 

On and off she will initiate and tell us that she wants to wear panties and thereafter we slowly moved on to educating her that with panties = no diapers. Of course results is not immediate, there are days she will insist and kept telling us she wants her “尿布” 😂
So earlier days we did quite a fair bit of cleaning up but it does get better as the times go by. It’s where during the three days that she completely stopped wearing diapers during the day and never since went back. 

Some funny stuff that happens during this three days:

1) She was standing in between the ikea empty plastic boxes halfway playing and she decided to wee in the box without prior notice! But the funny thing was she didn’t give any signs and wee out while in the box.
2) I was taking afternoon nap and her dad was very brave to take her out to nearby mall without diaper with her sitting in the stroller. The moment he stepped into Starbucks and let her down for a walk while he was queuing for his drink, LX pinched her nose indicating “臭臭” and the next min she wee wee out. Papa Seng cleaned up that area and left for home immediately, so embarrassing! But recently I got no idea where does her papa had the courage from to bring her out diaper-less! Literally!
3) There was this day in school when she returned home with bags and bags of wet pants and shoes tied to her school bags because she didn’t managed to inform her teacher in time to go to the toilet or it was simply just a bad day for her.
 Reminding and Repeating 
The very next day, she stopped wee wee in her pants. It kinda helps when we remind her every morning during drop off to inform the teacher when she wants to wee. We also informed the teacher to remind her to go to the toilet at every hourly interval. So she is more or less settled in school after a few days.
She started to wee wee in public toilets just like us and her being very competitive against me! She will usually likes to tell me “xin first then mama’s turn” and it kinda works! these days she likes to follow all my actions and the way I speak. So indeed, kids are a true reflection of their parents! They modelled after us 😅
 Routine and Consistency 
There were some hit and miss during the earlier days, even after being reminded to go to the potty wee wee every now and then, she will still just wee anywhere and everywhere even thou she knows she needs to go to the potty. 

She could even tell us that “wee wee must tell mama/papa and go potty” but still I don’t quite get why she didn’t let us know. 

BUT hard work still pays off ok! Kids strived on routine and consistency, just have to persevere and keep repeating is the key!
 Cute Potty 
Some other things that I find is useful to help in potty training. For example this very pretty “summer” brand potty which looks like the real deal, you can even put tissue at the top cover to teach them to clean up after each time they go to the toilet and even had a flush! So cute!

Having a cute potty kinds of make them wants to go to the toilet more. Comes in white too but we just make use of the pink potty that we bought previously from MotherCare and a toddler toilet cover seat from kMart.
 Potty Storybooks 
There are some really interesting potty training books for toddlers in the market too. I bought one for her to read but she wasn’t really quite interested! Waste my money 😩 If your kids are into reading and seeing pictorial stuff I guess it helps cause they tend to like to do imitation at this point of their growing up phase.

I have YET to successfully train her to poo in the potty thou. Normally during weekends when she is with us, she is so occupied with all the activities that she seldom poo. So we are still working on that and she still wears diaper in the night when she sleeps but not during afternoon nap anymore. 

Let’s wait and see when will be the day that she will wake up with dry diaper cause it will be the day where she is all ready to go without diaper totally!

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