
Monday, April 16, 2018

Krystal Wee Powder

Time to take a breather from work! 

Been catching up with all the emails cause of time zone differences. Quite meh but the good thing is no one is going to be replying my emails since is Sunday over the other side of the world.
 Lunch Time 
Pan fried wanton & salmon
Pumpkin mee sua with spinach and mushroom. 

I love Krystal Wee homemake powder!! It comes in handy when I’m rushing and needed to whip up something real quick. It is especially good for one person meal too, when I ain’t planning to have soup or have soup stock in the fridge. 

I splurged and bought a set of four. My pick were:

Sakura Chicken Powder
Ikan Bilis Powder
Kelp Powder 
Scallop Powder
It comes in small container as shown and had the manufacturing date/powder labelled. doesn’t take up a lot of space in the fridge. Think will order it again when its time for baby no. 2 to take solid! 

#dayremummies #dayrecooks #dayrehomes
They only use quality food to grind them into powder. Example only Sakura chicken is used and I like that it is all natural and safe for babies from six months old onwards. There is no salt/sugar added, freshly made and sent out. The recommended shelf life is two months but if you keep it in the refrigerator it can last up up to twelve months depending on which powder.
Initially I was thinking 50g each would be too little but ended up after five months I’m still left with quite a fair bit even thou I generously added in quite a number of spoons in whatever I am cooking. Sub consciously I also realised I stopped using salt or soya sauce in my food. Just need to add two to three spoons of it to the veg and it is already very flavourful. At least is flavourful to me.
It’s a much healthier choice for the kids too. So don’t mind paying more for quality and to save the hassle! It’s only after becoming a parent then we are so willing to splurge on such!
my weekly dose of bird nest, cooked with love by MIL. she even delivered to our place along with fresh ingredients for me to cook this week. She told me she forgotten to cook it in the afternoon when we are there and will deliver to us. 

At times likes this just make me feel so grateful for whatever that I have and it serve as a constant reminder that I should be content with life and not take things for granted! Usually I will leave it in the fridge for a day because I love to drink it cold!
went to the baby fair for a walk and realised that we have got nothing to buy. spotted a few new brands of cot that wasn’t available back then. too pretty to look at! but sadly no budget and our cot is still very new. 

we spotted this brand “Ceradan” which was recommended by our GP. This really works for LX who have mild eczema, she probably inherited it from me. She had this really red rashes at her legs and private area which didn’t go away after days.
So after applying this for a day after, we saw the effect immediately! No more redness and rashes slowly faded away. I then realised that I had this same tube of cream at home which was recommended by my skin specialist which I bought previously. “Ceramoz” is a lighter version than “Ceredan”, so we bought the moisturising wash to try out since LX had already recovered. Took part in the lucky dip and won a mosquito insect repellent cream and diaper cream.
As for sterimar baby nasal’s spray, that’s what we used whenever LX had blocked/stuffy nose and it kinda helps to flush out the mucus effectively. This light blue ones is for 0-3 years old usage, the other darker blue is for older kids. It’s slightly cheaper there so just buy to stock up.
chicken bone plus yellow bean broth for dinner. am waiting for them to come home! tonight we are having comfort food for the cold weather.
so this was dinner last night! shabu shabu, grouper fish, spinach, mushroom, prawns, wanton, basically everything that I had in the fridge. 😅

the fussy hub told me no rice or noodles for him so I just add more “liao” into it.

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