
Friday, April 13, 2018

Health is GOLD

For the past three days I am feeling physically and mentally tired having to take care of my pillar of support who is the hub and the little one. 

hub had high fever for three days, went to see a GP and ate the med but didn’t recover. On the third day midnight, fever went up to 40 degree and I had to trouble my BIL to fetch him to A&E as he was shivering and it didn’t get better. scared the shit outta of me ok!
The hub felt so weak that he literally slept throughout all the days and I didn’t want to disturb him or to get him to drive. I even planned to bring LX to school on my own but it didn’t came true, he still drove us there. I only took grab once to pick her on my own and luckily my sister helped a bit by fetching us back.
Felt so handicapped without a car especially on weekdays where we tend to let LX sleep a bit longer but with public transport/grab we have to wake up damn early to make sure we are in time for school that starts at 8.30am. 

So I was thinking to myself that I must pick up the courage to drive his car and learn how to do parking! So I did requested to drive from our place to my mum’s place when he was feeling slightly better.
the first time driving this car and I had to sit on a booster cushion seat else I totally can’t see the front at all. It got me a little nervous but glad that we made it safely there and managed to park. still not very confident of driving the car thou! shall practice more and he reminded me not to “buay” his rims lol
I’m so thankful for the hub even when times that he was sick. He still pick me to and forth from work for the one day that I’m going in office and still help in whatever ways that he could.
Can’t imagine days without him! 

Throughout this six months of pregnancy, he had been solo handling LX. Doing almost everything from fetching her to school, picking her up from my mum’s plc back home, attending Shicida class with her every Saturday’s morning without fail, bring her to attend Sunday service, doing the laundry and many more. 

And all I had to do it work, eat, sleep and take care of of myself and the little one in me. 😅
 Health is GOLD! 
Been cooking food for the sick these few days. I have been eating the same too, just switching different ingredients around and adding lots of spinach just in case I’m tested low on iron in a month time. 

today the hub felt better so I got the time to make wanton with lots of chestnut! I love the crunchiness of the chestnut and is perfect with my Chili padi. My fuss free to go soup base has got to be ikan bilis + dried yellow soya bean.

#dayrecooks #dayrehome
I only got to know this combination of soup base after having a kid because I never cook at all before marriage. lol 

Managed to freeze some to keep for next week because yay will be working from home most of the days! Time to stock up on fresh ingredients.
diffusing thieves oil tonight for a little while to kill all the germs in the room. went a little crazy stocking up on young living essential oil. we have been using them ever since my SIL recommended to us and somehow this MLM product really work wonders. not sure why thou but it is really effective.
we used it a lot on LX especially when she is having cough and flu. this is probably our third time restocking on Lavender, RC and Raven. Another one that we used on her is Digize which is used to soothe, comfort, and balance digestive discomfort. So we applied it when she is having tummy ache or when she hasn’t been poo-ing for days.
this time round we added thieves and peppermint to the collection because need to kill germs and make sure that I don’t get the contagious virus. Time to have a good night sleep but ahh. I’m hearing coughing noises from the little one’s room. hope she didn’t get the virus! 

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