
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter Sunday

Happy Easter Sunday!

This week felt like the longest weekend ever. Was actually quite looking forward to the long weekend but having to be on standby for work just didn’t work out that well. My project is going live on 1st April (US timing) and with me being pregnant means no travelling. I have rejected the travelling bit and are more than happy to miss two trips to Chicago in Feb and during this busy period. I’m quite sure my appraisal somehow will be affected by not being able to be there.
But that’s just so much that I can do and help to make the project go smoothly. There was this night where I woke up at 3am just to complete the stuff that is required till 8am. It just took a toll on me, took me a few days to recover!

Anyway, we have been staying home most of the days. It’s so timely that both hub and LX is down with fever, flu and cough. We couldn’t attend easter service this morning as suggested by gkid leader that is better to let her rest at home.
Then I saw this very cute easter eggs on IG and they provide free printable download. I excitedly managed to keep two eggs for LX’s DIY Easter egg project since we ain’t going anywhere today. So might as well do some craft at home!

Breaking the egg and yet kept it in the original shape is tough, I had to break a small hole and wait patiently for the shell to be emptied. It’s really testing my patience! But I am sure there is a more efficient way to do this.

#DIY #dayremummies
painting the eggs in the colours that she picked and I think my camera is dying soon. not sure why the photos turned out to be so grainy.
she didn’t wants to get her hand dirty, painted in the egg holder and didn’t even want to turn the eggs. she cried after painting finish the two eggs and requested for more eggs. her daddy got to pacify her a little. lol
the final product, the pink and grey eggs are done by her. the rest are just cut out from printable download. they are just too cute!
in miffy pj and smiling sheepishly cause she really loves her bunnies!
so so excited to see the final result of what she had done!

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