
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Animal Resort Farm

finally bought LX to the animal farm resort after weeks of attempt. either it is raining or she is napping in the afternoon after church. really hard to get hold of a suitable timing.
she loves picking up random leaves on the ground since our Perth trip. 😂
main purpose of visiting was because she been telling us that she wants to feed rabbits! rabbits there are pretty well fed and no lack of food. so most of it seemed like they are sleeping and not very enthu when they saw the carrots. you have to put it literally at their mouth to see if they wants to have it. lol
rabbits why ain’t you coming to eat? looking quite upset over here!
asking papa for more fish food.
feeding the fishes.
the one and only horse that day and it does take carrots too.
the twenty cents elephant 木马. so old school.
she is growing up so fast and almost outgrowing most of her clothes. finally got down to replenish some pj, tank tops etc. coincidentally all dots and strips without realising it!

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