
Friday, February 23, 2018

🐢 🐢 🐢

YAY! the husband helped to export all my entries to wordpress when I’m already sleeping in lalaland last night. I gave up half way through noon when I was doing it, I can never see the queue to be below 7k. Is it just me? πŸ˜‚
was contemplating between to go out to eat with my in laws or just invite them over for dinner like last year. I choose the latter cause too last minute to make booking and it actually cost a bomb for just the four and half of us to have reunion dinner outside which we did the year before.

It was actually nice that I get to cook for them once a year since they were the one who cooked for us almost every saturday for lunch! the handwork of cooking and washing up requires a lot of effort.
last year I made pen cai for them and this year with the tight time frame of two days. I just grab off the ingredients from my mum who is fully well stocked! Thank God for mummy!

Thankfully, the boss allow me to work from home on valentine day and the day after. It certainly make preparing the meal much easier and I get to go to ntuc during off peak to get fish and fresh veg! wanted to steam a whole fish but gave in to buying just the meat. It’s much easier to eat and yay to no bone!
🐢 year’s menu for the seng’s family.

Braised Scallop Mushroom with Fish Maw
Steamed Threadfin
Broccoli with scallop and prawn
Lotus Peanut Pork Rib Soup

thanks to @thepacartans for sharing the ntuc scallop deal! managed to get two boxes of it. one for in laws and one for us!

bonding time with grandparents while we cleaned up the dishes. she certainly know who to bully!! always instructing her yeye to sit at a particular spot to play with her.
randomly used the toy container to cover her face. cheeky things that she do nowadays! #facepalm
still very much in CNY mood. sorting out the photos and found this. my ah bui really quite bui bui. everyone was commenting that she is quite solid and she would rather choose to eat than to play if asked. haha

she barely can fit into this #taobao dress! It is a little tight at the chest area.
irritated when I asked her for a #ootd shot. she loves her pom pom shoes and I am considering if I should get it in a bigger size cause she is going to outgrown it very soon!

I couldn’t find a grey dress to wear, #firstworldproblem on deciding what to wear cause totally did not prepare in advance this year but I luckily I got a top from #lovebonito that’s in grey.

This is also the first year that the husband didn’t buy any new clothes for CNY. he hit a new milestone. lol
saying ζ­ε–œε‘θ΄’ to papa seng.
so happy to get her ang bao!

this year I totally forget to take snap a photo of her with the big pineapple 🍍
with the seng’s cousin.
with her fav big kor kor and jie jie at ah zhor house. so happy to be back at my grandma’s place this year since last year during CNY she was in the hospital and I certainly hope and pray that she continue to stay healthy.
cousins πŸ’•

was supposed to go sbd grandmum place but little LX slept while we were making our way and ended up both of us just went back to in laws place to have nap. the hub then went alone.
this year the in laws hosted a CNY’s party at their place and as usual there are lion dance performance. this is what all the kids was anticipating. unknowingly little LX picked the the VIP front seat which is the most expensive entry ticket price πŸ˜‚

I told her to cover her ears if it get too loud and even before it started she already covered her ears. Halfway through papa seng carried her and comforted her even thou she wasn’t crying or anything.
she is so afraid of touching the lion or even coming down to walk. just clingy on to her papa. the next few days was just her saying she don’t want lion πŸ˜…

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