
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

First Day of School

It is the last day of January and how time flies! I’m slowing regaining my energy level and coming out of my turtle shell.

It is just another passing season of my life that I felt like doing absolutely nothing. These are times where i take a step back into a world of myself and shutting out.

Totally just like a turtle🐒, I’m still alive and kicking! 2017 ended with a good note thou. Let me see where to start.
my not so little baby LX starts attending pre-nursery and she was so excited about wearing her uniform, bag, carry her water bottle and wearing socks/shoes.

The first few days of school, she refused to let us hold her bag and water bottle at all.

We took leave for the first few days just in case she starts to cry when she see us leaving her but this did not happen at all. my little chill and calm baby is still as such. Teachers have to urge us to leave since she is ok.
picking her up from school was a breeze initially and is just a five minutes walk away from my mum’s place.

my mum is complaining to me that now LX doesn’t wants to walk back and insist of wanting por por to carry her. πŸ˜…

all the kids in the school must have the same school bag, guessed i saved some money! Cause I was so tempted to get her the one cute school bag from Prive kids.
just the other day, she came home and took off her own socks and shoes. I’m quite surprised cause usually she doesn’t. I supposed the school taught them? Cause I tried teaching her but never succeeded.

She doesn’t know how to put on her shoes thou. πŸ˜‚

Another thing is she often come back with super messy hair and blue black on her legs. Must be from all the climbing up and down at school playground. She can be quite rowdy when comes to playing with others especially with my niece and nephews.
every Wednesday is PE attire outfit day.

my sister made her hold the umbrella for a picture cause I told her I have not taken a photo of her in PE attire. πŸ˜…

I’m glad that she is enjoying school so much. Even after one month of school, she still wakes up every morning telling us that she is going to school!
Next was her speech improved by quite a fair bit as compared to before going to school. She can now says a three/four syllabus but her favourite words these days have got to be “don’t want”

πŸ‘©πŸ» LX! Go and bath now.
πŸ‘§πŸ» Don’t want. I don’t want.

πŸ‘©πŸ» LX! Go and brush your teeth.
πŸ‘§πŸ» Don’t want. I don’t want.

πŸ‘©πŸ» LX! Drink milk milk time.
πŸ‘§πŸ» Don’t want. I don’t want.

So basically everything we asked her to do, she will reply “don’t want”.
It’s so difficult to get her to do them especially in times when we are rushing. Hopefully it’s just a passing phase! #dayremummies
At 27 months, she starts to show no interest in milk. She refused to drink her milk three days in the row in the morning.

We tried giving her UHT packet milk but she doesn’t want to take it unless is cold but this morning she doesn’t want to take it even if is cold. Dilemma! πŸ˜… So she is only taking one/two feeds of milk everyday now.

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