
Thursday, November 2, 2017

just another day.

Life's still goes on and well yes I'm still functioning.

Everyone welcomed November with anticipation and excitement but an immense feelings of extreme sadness came upon me. Those bittersweet memories just flashed back and a grief trigger just strike on me. The truth is it had been bubbled up on and off since then. There are certain days where I would think how life will be if you are here with us and how you are doing in heaven.
So quickly you came into our lives,
So quickly torn away.
There's so much I want to say.
Where there once was joy and happiness,
Is now sadness, guilt, and pain.
All these thoughts running through my head,
It's enough to drive me insane.
Though you lived only thirteen weeks,
You were loved so very much.
I wish that I could hold you,
I long to feel your touch.
On that night of May 15th 2017.
My world was ripped from under my feet.
I pray that in another life,
we will have the chance to meet.
the first and the last time we met - you are all fully formed with your super tiny hands, tiny long legs and everything about you are just so tiny.

remembered the somersault you did and you waving thru the screen to us during your oscar test. a sigh of relief when we received the call on the result of the test was all good. all seemed like it just happened yesterday.
I couldn't hold you in my arms, all i remembered was I sobbing so badly when I saw you. mama will never forget about you and you are the second one who hear my heartbeat from the inside other than your sister. We love you and you will always have a spot in our hearts.
Just needed a space to vent out whatever that's kept inside. I'm ok and I really am. Is just one of those days on top of everything else that are happening like trying to meet deadlines for my work while working from home, entertaining my toddler who starts to have her own opinions on the things she wants and the husband trying to annoy me. All add up and is like a time bomb waiting to explode.

Having said all these, I still love having them to annoy me.

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