
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Zoo Phonics

My mum is away for holiday at Israel for twenty days.
She has been constantly reminding me to bring little LX for her classes on Tuesday and is her last day of class.

The feeling of coming to an end of zoo-phonics classes makes me feel emotional. It had been a good seven months of being there and I don't know if she knows that she is not going to see her classmates again and that she has to adapt to a new environment with new classmates and friends in Jan next year.
Or maybe my worries are just redundant, she is going to be fine and will totally enjoy being in school just like today.

She follows through the curriculum and especially likes the mandarin songs session. Was told by the aunties there that she usually very independent when popo comes with her. Today she is sticky to me and wanted me to be around her.
having her breakfast before going in.
choose a dog bell shaker for music.
the theme for the class today is grass, leaves 🍃 and tree that are close to nature. the little hands that seemed to have grown so fast!
she enjoys doing it and even ask me for more paint on her hands.
for english session, today they learnt about post office - postman, van, stamp and mail box. simple task by sticking the relevant graphics on the paper.
so when is time to say good bye, she kept saying "want star" and even went to ask teacher for it when she is standing at the door saying goodbye to the rest but teacher couldn't figure what she wants.

apparently at the end of the lesson, teacher sometimes will draw star or butterfly and she actually remembers it. all the rest of the kids left without asking the teacher to draw stars on their hand except her. so this is the reason why I always see marker mark on her hand.
Seeing how much she enjoys the class, I think we might just extend one more month before the term break in Dec.

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