
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Bandung With A Toddler

greetings from bandung!

this is the first time that I did not get any wifi or activate my data passport. pretty much just spending quality time with the fam and taking photos with my cam around. is like a social media detox for me but I can't wait to share about my trip and to dayre. by the time when we are back in the hotel I'm already tired and slept through the night.

preparing for another day of fun. till the next.
4D3N flew past in a blink.

Our first trip to Bandung and there are just so much kids activities for LX to do there and is a nice place if you love scenic place, greens and nature. Sometimes we just need a break out of the city life with no electronic devices around and is always a good idea to see green than screen! Never knew much about/read up on Bandung till we went there ourselves.
Interesting sight - I have long forgotten how airports are used to be. We had to walk down the makeshift stairs from the airplane and from there walk directly into the immigration counter. There are three to four counters with only one conveyer belt to collect luggages. how we have travelled back to time.
#tula comes to rescue, is quite impossible to bring along a stroller to the places we are going except shopping malls.

Her first flight after she turned two and she slept thru the 1 hour and 50 minutes flight, only to wake up when it was about to land. we had to eat the food that we ordered for her.
we have been upgraded to a premium executive room and is so huge and comes with glass bathroom with a bath tub. I should have bring along some bubble bath. the extra king bed helps since we are co-sleeping for these few days. such a good place to stay with a toddler and it comes with a very nice swimming pool.

LX had the most fun. every night she is so looking forward to bath in the big bath tub with empty mineral bottles and yakult bottle. lol
so cheeky! she purposely pour the water out 😅
Weather Check/Time
Bandung is an hour behind Singapore and I totally forgotten to check that Nov is actually the rainy season. Thank God the rain only pours in the late afternoon for the two full days that we are there after we have done with the outdoor activities. The only downside is that the people there ain't proficient in English much. It is an issue when it comes to ordering food at those middle/lower class shopping malls or buying things. Is like a duck and chicken talking, trying to figure out.
Toddler Food
This trip we totally didn't prepare/cook any food for little LX. We only prepared some wholewheat biscuits and snacks to go. We went to the supermarket to get some bread and banana for breakfast. She tried a variety of food there like satay, ice cream, nasi bee hoon and whatever we eat, she eats. Feeling all so guilty when I'm back, time for home-cooked food for the next two weeks as much as possible! But on the hand, very glad that she can eat so well and are not choosy when it comes to food.
Just had to close one eye and enjoy our holiday!
Engaged Driver
We do not understand their language and engaged a driver for this whole trip. His English is not the best but we still managed to communicate though sometimes I don't understand what he is saying! Apparently, he is the only one who understands English in his company out of a total of seven drivers and he told me he is the only one in charge of driving Singapore visitors while the rest drives Malaysian visitors.
Sharing some of the activities that we have done that are toddler friendly.

#dayretravels #bandung #bandungwithtoddler #LXtravels
Kawah Putih / White Crater Turquoise Lake
this has got to be our signature pose with the white turquoise lake and LX napping at a bad timing. It was actually very crowded with visitors, hard to get a spot to snap photos.
she only woke up when we returned to the van and we walked back again just so that she can play with the bubbles. still can't blow bubbles yet lol
bubbles make her really happy.
the bubbles are like a few cents and it kept her so entertained. It can be bought just outside before entering the lake.

It took us approximately about three hours to reach here and in between there is a pit stop where we stop to let LX ride horses and goat cartridges before she nap.
old school bubbles with the fanciful wires.
the goat ride and she refused to come down. insisted to go for another round.
Is really cheap thrill, was telling the hub with $1 we could only sit stationery 木马 in SG.
Strawberry Picking 🍓
she loves it and carry the basket around pointing to us the strawberries to ask us to cut it.
I think they learned best through experiences. She still remember the times we pick apples at Aussie when we asked her about it.

#dayremummies #dayremums
attempting to cut the strawberries 🍓
the strawberry hat are so cute.

Guess what is she doing? POO POO 😂
the greenery and is also my first time to a strawberry farm.
It's one of the must do when you are at South Bandung but it is actually not the best time to go for strawberry picking cause rainy season. The strawberries are very small and those that are big and red in colours are not available for picking. I think they are to be exported out to other countries for sales.

They charged for entrance fee accordingly to the number of pax and on top of that it will charge based on the weight of the strawberries you plucked.
Kampung Cai Ranca Upas
nature is such a beautiful thing. the lush green grass. never stop exploring little LX!
the lazy reindeer that doesn't wants to move to get carrots. just waiting there to be fed.
this little one has been so possessive over her dad. to make her do things willingly I just had to say "oh! mama going to kiss papa" and she will follow suit.
she loves feeding the animals and really not scare. on the other hand, I'm the one who is so worried.
Fun in the Nature
"geared up" station - which is a bicycle station and the thing with this park is you have only pay when you want to enter the station that you want to go.
look who was so upset that the papa went to help another kid up the slope. jealous max and kept shouting for her dad.
the demanding boss asking her dad to hurry up. we spent a good thirty minutes just on this station and finally the little boss decided that she want to go the Uncle barn station where all the little animals are.
all the bunnies there looks so well groomed and huge!
the bunnies are so pretty. two rounds of buying animal food and each cost only about $2 for big pack of carrots 🥕
some vegetables for the goat. there are chicken, goat and horse in uncle barn. the auntie was really nice to give her additional veg to feed them. the good thing is there is no queue and not much people at all.
Floating Market
First step into it and it didn't look promising at all but we spent one whole afternoon there. It was rainy on and off. So when it was raining, she gets to sit on the indoor rides like choo choo train and boat ride. When is not raining, she gets to feed the sheep, check out the rainbow garden.
the very hungry bunch of sheep at the floating market. they had this mini world that are catered for the kids to play.
feeding them with carrots.
rainbow gardens that have all the beautiful flowers.
even the fishes are so hungry and all flopping to where the fish food are.
feeding the fishes 🐟
There are actually a lot more outdoor activities for the kids like burgundy and wine, bamboo village which we never get to go due to the weather. I shall leave this places for the next time if we ever go back again.

You will need to prepare lots of wet wipes, mosquito repellent when you go to North Bandung for a day trip and be prepared to see a lot of flies around when going outdoor.
The middle to high class shopping are great! I like the one near our hotel, it actually have a lot of fun stuff for the kids.

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