
Friday, November 17, 2017


Do you remember the times where the both of you go all the way to hunt/queue for good food? Totally do not need to take into consideration the size of the restaurant and if it has a baby chair? The times where is just you and him walking down the streets of Orchard Road holding each other hands? Shopping for your own stuff like clothes, makeup and shoes? The BF then waiting for you while you get your shopping done. Luxury of time to do whatever things that you want.

Those were the days!
It's true that after having a kid, #momlife! Most of the things that you shop for now are kid stuff and your focus kinda changed. You no longer have the luxury of having a lot of time, a need to plan accordingly and work around the little one. Even going on a holiday as a family, little one needs are always on top priority before ourselves.

It's just another different journey that is so tiring yet very rewarding being able to watch the little one grows and learning to be independent.
With mum being back and me still on leave, the hub and I went on a date yesterday. It's always a good idea to go on a date once in a while to remind ourselves that it used to be just the both of US before it become WE a family of three.
first let's have an #mirrorootd.
I'm so happy to be able to fit into this pre pregnancy #TTR skirt that I bought. Haha

finally putting my full length mirror to good use after such a long time. the first thing hub asked when he see me "why wear until so nice? we are only going out for a short while."

I ignored him and rolled my eyes. Haha it's just one of those days that i feel like dressing up and look good. 😅
I have been wanting to try out man man Unagi cause I'm a big fan of Unagi ! My brother and cousin queued for hours before they get seats so the long queue put us off each time when we want to visit.

We decided to try our luck and went ahead to check it out. It's located at a small hideout of nowhere and is a pretty small restaurant with no sight of baby chairs. We waited for about 15 minutes for our turn during off peak, still quite ok. Can't imagine having to wait for hours!
I must say is damn delicious and yummy especially the grilled Unagi. Hub ordered the pork belly and probably he is the only one who ordered that. When I looked around, all the tables had Unagi as their mains. Lol

Is like who will go to an unagi restaurant to order pork belly? Haha

Anyway, he said his was quite tasty too and mentioned that their food really got standard.

#dayrefatties #dayrefoodies
the freshly grated wasabi.

something never change, like how the hubs will help on this kind of little thing instead of me doing it myself.

ok the food are really very good, i will definitely go back again if time permits!
it certainly felt like the good old days when is just US. Had a good time shopping together and him waiting for me patiently while I try out clothes from the editor market and mango. Ended the date with our favourite hawker food at TPY - niang toufu and satay which is super near to creamier. Couldn't leave without having some ice cream first before we went to pick up LX. 😂
happy news today. won a giveaway given by Yay to one year free membership and two interactive books! LX gonna have new storybooks to accompany through her "milk milk" time.

she used to have screen time before she sleeps when she drinks milk. I'm so so happy that she now switches to reading storybooks instead! Not that I have anything against having screen time, just personal preference preferring her not to watch television or gadget.
her current fav book is "brown bear brown bear what do you see". she always giggle when we read it out loud. she love her mandarin story book that I got from Taiwan airport during transit "小猫咪咪” , she makes me read it over and over again for like five times or more each day for a period of time 😰

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