
Wednesday, November 15, 2017


With mum being away for two weeks, I'm the Chef who is responsible for LX's meal. To begin with, I'm super blessed with a MIL who did marketing for me at the wet market during weekend. She sorted and packed them into individual pack so that I only need to take out what's required for each day.
For example, instead of giving me a big pack of prawns, she sorted them out into small packs. Also for minced meat, small packs of few. So so convenient for me, just need to take out whatever that I need for that one day! As for FIL, he actually delivered the freshly bought ingredients in the night instead of getting us to go over and get them knowing that it's LX sleeping time. He's so ever gentle and such a patient man that I ever seen, my own dad is of a totally different vibe from him. lol
We even have the luxury to go out for movies on Saturdays. Caught Thor and ABTM, the extremely sweet hubs booked the premium theatre that comes with food and comfy seats, blankets for Thor movie without me knowing. Such a sweet gesture, I'm sucker for such little moment!

So while we are out, she too have lots of fun, FIL will bring her downstairs to play scooter and playground. Pat her to sleep too! So every Saturday, the first person she look for when we reached my in laws house is to find 爷爷.
Before I digress further, being the domestic mum/Wife for the past week, just want to record down the food that I have cooked. Big milestone for someone like me who doesn't really cook and is quite true that people do change according to circumstances. Like changing for the better I guess? Like how having a baby/toddler changes the way we eat and how we want them to eat healthily.

BUT occasionally I have cravings for Punggol nasi lemak, satays and fried chicken wings! lol so yummy!
Salmon Pumpkin Rice
- mushroom
- pumpkin
- salmon
- veg
- onions
- ikan bills
is basically a one pot dish. so convenient and easy. fried till they are half cooked.
transfer them into the rice cooker and fill up with chicken stock. within 35 minutes it is ready to serve. so easy and minimal things to wash.
look at the chubby hands, she couldn't wait to eat them. counting my blessing of having a non picky eater who eats whatever that I cook as thou they really taste that good. my loyal supporter who eats everything that i cook.
chicken stock
chicken stock is a must to have. it replaces most of the seasoning yet make the dish flavourful.

#dayrecooks #dayremummies #dayrehomes
lady fingers and cod fish for dinner.
LX's portion and she eats the lady finger despite it being sticky sticky. lol
organic mee sua, lotus pork ribs soup with stirred fried veg for one of her lunch and for me I usually have the same food as her.
batang fish with veg and an egg which she requested. she has been requesting me to cook an egg every now and then, else meltdown happens! certainly things are not as rosy as it seemed. handling meltdown is not easy feat. 😰
we usually steam our fish instead of frying and try to give her variety of food. she likes to eat the wolfberries.
there will be one day of the week where she become vegetarian and only had veg on her plate. It works quite well, she ate finished all the veg. Sometimes she is choosy when there are too much on the plate and only eat the meat. 😂
Mee Hun Kueh
sudden craving for mee hun kueh. decided to make them since recipe only requires one egg and plain flour with some water, both are readily available at home.
let it set for an hour before using them. cover with clingy wrap or a damp cloth.
soup base - soya beans + ikan bilis + water that is used to soak the dry mushrooms. this is actually my second time making mee hun kueh, the first one was a failure. the mee hun kueh is too thick and it takes forever to cook. in the end I threw them away and never ever tried it again till yesterday.

I think the key is the pulling of the dough, have to agaration such that it is thin but yet at the same time has the chewy effect. 😂

added a poach egg for LX, she is an egg lover.
Quinoa Teriyaki Salmon Bowl
Bought organic quinoa seeds from NTUC cause I missed the one that I had in Chicago. Went online to google and decided to make quinoa teriyaki salmon bowl for our lunch. Just have to cook the quinoa with chicken stock till it turned clear in colour.
Google is really my best friend when it comes to cooking. I don't have teriyaki sauce at home and am looking at alternative. I didn't know that it is so easy to make!

All you need:
2 tbsp of light soya sauce
2 tbsp of mirin
A bit of hua tiao jiu

sugar according to your liking and if you want to thicken the sauce, just have to add in cornstarch with water. there are no additives unlike those that you bought off the shelf, much healthier choice for the kiddos. yay!
Quinoa teriyaki salmon bowl with Brussels sprouts. I added the teriyaki sauce in the quinoa for more flavour and used it to brush on the salmon and bake it together with the Brussels sprouts.
the little hand that always photobomb. we had quinoa with chicken don. added mirin, light soya sauce to marinate the chicken then stir fried it with egg.
animal pasta with meatballs and mushroom.

- sauce made from tomato and white onions, oven baked them and blend it up.
- marinated minced meat lightly with soy sauce and a little bit of salt. roll into small balls and blanched it with water.

she loves the animals shaped pasta quite a bit. lol

All time Favourite - chicken stew and long beans with egg. That's the only veg the hub eats 😬
Garlic steamed prawn, black chicken soup and cauliflower for one of the dinners! I love the garlic steam prawn, I get to put in a much garlic as I like and the sauce is just soy sauce, seasame then put it to steam

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