
Wednesday, October 18, 2017


we had a mini two year old shoot at the comfort of Lau's family home sometime back for LX. Very grateful for them to always help us take such nice photos of us.

This marks the start of Terrific-TWO.

Two years ago we looked at you with wonders as you made your grand entrance. Today we watch you in awe. You are the most wonderful gift God had given to us.
this photo depicts how she really is in real life. at times, she loves lying on the floor like this for reasons like when she is really sleepy or when she is trying to poo poo. lol

hairband: Janessahye
dress: hand sew by 奶奶
I was wearing #fashmob top and gingham skirt to twinning with LX. Wanted to get the recently launched #TTR blue gingham top but is sold out by the time i went into the website. meh.
my chubby chubs.

the little one had been so cranky and it was so difficult to get her to look at the camera. even snacks doesn't work this time. is this the so call terrible two?

#dayremummies #dayremums
love of a family is life greatest blessings.
It's an amazing experience from we to us as a family and embarking on parenthood.

Just some random thoughts, I learnt that there are no right or wrong on whatever decision that you made or decide for your kids. It is a choice given and you are free to use whichever and whatever approach that works. It doesn't make you less of a parent than others.
Till date no matter what happens, we will bring her home every single day from my mum place and as early as possible to our best ability. She had not stayed overnight else where without us, so this is a choice we made.

We did play around with the thoughts of going on a holiday without her but somehow it didn't materialised. Can't imagine our days without her. Haiya, we are just very overly attached parents here 😂

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