
Friday, October 20, 2017

random snippet

I have this love hate relationship with my job.

l like the flexibility where I get to work from home and my boss doesn't micro manage as long as you get your work done but hate working in general at times. So I have been working from home for the past two weeks since my return till I fly back here again and I'm very thankful for it.
The overly attached mother here kept LX home with me for most of the days. Had my fair share of doing activities together with her, cuddling together for her afternoon naps and just spending time doing nothing together.
just random snippets and things that we have done during those two week.
this is the first set of educational toys that i bought. It was a colourful counter set which comes with laminated printed sheet activities that she can do. I have got no idea why but she likes to purposely place the counter to match the wrong colour on the sheet followed by flashing me her cheekiest face.

she just want to do things the opposite way 😬
her favourite past time is to do puzzle. we have five sets of these different themed puzzle which are hand me down from my sister. they are still in a very good condition after a good ten years. she started off getting really frustrated when she can't put them in place but now she is slowly getting the hang of it cause this is her must go to toy almost everyday.

#dayremummies #dayremums
this set is a gift by zoo-phonics for children's day.
I showed her how it should be done by demo-ing it on a fish. actually it is pretty therapeutic to do this activity.
followed by her turn and she totally got no concept on following the lines. she just trying to squeeze as much paint that she could on the zebra.
this is the way she squeeze the paint out. a lot of effort required 😂
this is also one of her favourite activities. we bought the biggest sketchbook that we could find and just let her doodle randomly with washable markers, crayons and colour pencils. Crayons is the hardest to clean up.
this is how she likes to scribbles on blank pages.
we adopted this tiny table from our neighbour and it fit nicely just outside our door. so she gets to do painting with the neighbours outside.

the point of having this is that lesser cleaning required. lol
the beautiful mess.
painting away.
look at the mess. she always make a mess when she do painting. almost had an heart attack when I bought her in to clean up. she was dashing and running to the bathroom and accidentally had her hands on the white wall. luckily it was all dried up else I won't know how to clean them.
very intrigued by having those paint on her hands and even her legs had paint. she's definitely not afraid of getting herself dirty at all!
just lazing around on the sofa playing with the throw.
happy with just playing peekaboo.
Artline Stix balloon 🎈

Sister gifted one to LX and she had fun colouring the balloon on both side of it. After colouring, you just got to clip it on the balloon and squeeze the small water bag to inflate the balloon. Final steps is to shake it many times till it is filled with air.

quite amazing, must be some science wonders behind it.
I have been waiting for this day and that's to bring her out to see rain. So I got her to wear her rain boots, bring her very own mini umbrella and off we went to the garden for a walk.
this little one refused to get down 😬

think she was a little tired but she enjoyed looking at the rain and I showed her how the umbrella can shelter us from the rain. How does the sound of the rain drop is like etc.

when we went back home she remembered about the rain and kept telling me "rain rain". one item strike off from my to do list with her. would love to do this with her again.

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