
Saturday, October 21, 2017

random cooks and bake

🍋 Loaf Cake
hello lemons.
sugar and butter = creamy white yellow colour.
added egg, flour, vanilla extract and lemon zest.
lined baking paper on the baking tray.
level out the batter.
Off it goes into the pre-heated oven.

Yay to simple recipe!
been wanting to bake a lemon loaf cake for ages and finally got down to doing when little LX was taking her nap. Not the prettiest photo taken and considering being it my first, I must say that it is really a foolproof recipe and it taste heavenly!

I didn't do the full set of adding glazed lemon on top cause it might be too sweet for my liking and we wanted LX to be able to eat it too. Not exactly sugar free but now that she turns two we are pretty chill and give her bit of everything we eat.
will must sure I snap some nice photos the next time I bake it. this shall works for now.
shared some with neighbours and they love it.

#dayrebakes #winniebakes #dayrehomes
Beef bolognese and Shepherd's pie
Followed the recipe shared by one of the dayre mama to make beef bolognese.

toasting tomato and onion in the oven.
portion out some of the beef bolognese and made shepherd's pie for one of the night's dinner. Also because I bought too much potato.

I tried using the potato masher for first time and it is taking up so much time that I give up. I took out LX's food blender to blend the potatos and they are done within mins!

The supportive hubs finished all of it up and I must say it tasted quite good.
Had a portion out without any seasoning for LX's dinner. I was still afraid that she might not like it and had a backup plan of cooking other food for her but I'm wrong. She took it pretty well with the pasta.
Chicken Stew
decided to do a one pot chicken stew for lunch.
le creuset is good for stewing and personally I find that it heat up real fast spreading the heat evenly.
the browning at the side make it taste exceptionally nice.
LX's portion
Wanton Soup
prawn, chestnut, onion and minced chicken.

certainly didn't know that making wanton is so easy.
my whiny little baby who insist to be in the kitchen and so I got her to help out a little.
first attempt of bao-ing wanton.
Steamed fish and wanton soup for us.
LX's portion with mian xian. She finished a total of three wanton.

Homemade wonton is so much nicer because I get to add in a lot chestnut. So crunchy and yums!

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