
Monday, June 11, 2018

woes of being pregnant 🤰

 weight gained 
The thing I hate about being pregnant is having to attend relative gatherings or a wedding! Father’s Day is around the corner and we went to hub’s ah gong place for a early mini celebration yesterday. They are the ones that we meet only during special occasion. 

So there was this uncle who was leaving and he causally said to me “Wah. 你胖很多!走样了!” I just smiled at him, didn’t know how to respond to his remarks. The worst is I still have to see him again in July for a wedding lunch before I pop! 😖
 public transport 
The thing about second pregnancy is I realised I don’t get seats in public transport as the first. Not that I needed one but is totally annoying when young adults are taking the priorities seat - sleeping away during peak hours or playing with their phone. Some can even look up and turn away if thou they saw me? Where is the “graciousness”? To be fair, occasionally I do meet nice people who gave up their seat. The ration is probably 10 percent out of 100, sad reality truth. 


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