
Sunday, May 6, 2018

Week 27 | Merci Marcel

baby at week 27 is the size of a head of cauliflower today.
week 27 - officially no clothes to wear, have to change out for like four times before I finally decide which to wear. the thighs and arms really last warning! how to even look pretty being pregnant? no way to hide the bump anymore, it’s getting huge. what I enjoyed most is being able to feel baby’s movement every now and then. totally loving such feeling! 

I’m having really bad constipation plus walking long hours just put a strain on my feet. It’s getting really heavy, so am I.
Not helping when little LX is down with fever these few days. She got rejected by school on Friday and her fever are hovering around 38.5 degree and thankfully it went down today. She is still very active and just cranky at times. We have been keeping her at home and letting her have a lot of rest and sleep. 

We are actually all changed and ready for church service but decided to let her wake up naturally.
here’s some #bumpfie. it looks really huge from the side thou. 

#dayrepregnancy #dayremummies
last week I decided to trim my bangs to cover my chubby face by myself. l restrained myself from buying clothes too because I’m opting for c-sec this time which means I’m like 11 weeks away from seeing the baby. Gynae have already set the date, it will be exactly the day when I turn 38 weeks because we do not have any preferred date.
This cheeky little one has been requesting “抱抱” from her papa every now and then. She will comes up with “excuses” such as “I want to sleep” or “Got cars!”. 

They are valid reasons that we used to tell her that we need to carry her when there is a period where she loves to walk/run on her own, so she is using them on us! how come kids are so smart these days 😅
this is the look on her when she successfully managed to “con” her papa into carrying her. By the way, she is 13.5kg already. I don’t have strength to carry her anymore and she doesn’t want me to carry! She will say “mama got baby! cannot carry!”. 

sometimes she is quite sweet, she will bring a chair for me to sit instead of me sitting on the floor when we are playing puzzle or play-doh. She also offers to help me throw rubbish and proclaiming that she is a good “jie jie” at times.
 Merci Marcel 
Head out for brunch once LX woke up and off we went to Merci Marcel after hearing lots of raves The queue was still quite ok, we only waited for 10 mins or so for our seats. We are considered “early birds” at 10.30am. There’s a massive queue outside when we are about to leave. so glad we came early else we probably would have gone to other places rather than waiting.
Had a chat with an Aussie guy who was dining alone while waiting and he highly recommended saying their breakfast is awesome. It’s French cuisine style that they are serving. Their mains look delicious but mostly smoked or not fully cooked which means I can’t eat! So we ordered from the brunch menu instead.
scrambled egg with truffle oil with baguette from the bakery assortment.
Croque Marcel with a single fried egg and organic ham sitting atop two slices of sourdough toast held together with a generous serving of ham and melted cheese. I had the toast, it’s so yummy and crispy.
this plain looking Merci Marcel croissant is actually by far the best we had in SG. We are a big fan of croissant and this looks really so ordinary but the taste was so so good! We really didn’t expect it and we even ended up ordering another serving of this. Flaky crisp croissant baked with rich and creamy French butter. It comes with raspberry jam provided at the side but we prefer eating it as it is. 

Ok I’m hungry now! I need this croissant 🥐!
good lighting calls for a photo. we had an indoor seats but the outdoor seating looks really nice thou.
this two having orange juice and iced chocolate. LX really likes the croissant and she ate almost one whole piece of it with scrambled eggs and ham.
asked for a smile with big eyes and this was what she gave us. “where’s your big eyes!”
attempt two - showed her to open up her eyes but it got even smaller 😅
finally making a trip to ikea, shortlisting some of the items that we want to buy and taking notes of the measurements. LX was very well behaved today, she managed to sit throughout the whole time when we are ikea. 

Initially wanted to bring her to the ikea playground but she failed the height requirements of 90cm when the counter person told her and she was looking really sad and disappointed.
Oh well, told her we will go hunt for animals in ikea instead and she had fun spotting the furry animals in those show room. Papa Seng bought her to the kids corners and she immediately turned into a cheery kid again!
this monochrome work space looks quite nice! undecided if I should reuse our work desk or just get them from IKEA. The pricing to tear down and reinstall is the almost the same as buying new ones. hmmm... 


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