
Saturday, March 17, 2018

Sentosa FunFest

so much fun yesterday!

had no intention of letting her play the those bouncy castles at FunFest Sentosa cause I think she is still very young for it. They do allow kid below 0.9m to go in as long as there is an adult accompanying them. so she went ahead though she kept saying she is scared.

The foam gun is so fun and it made me feels like wanting to join in the fun too! The weather is scorching hot thou.
my little foam girl.
finally willing to touch the foam after some warm up.

they patiently queued 30 minutes for the bouncy slides and she actually told her papa she wants to take this ride.

those maze rides with water splashing she told us she “怕怕”. Hmm..
all ready to slide down.
my brave little warrior but she told us she 怕怕 again after sliding down! 😅
she loves the sand and water 💦
grab the sand and wants to put it on our body
getting so comfortable that she lay down on the sand with water gushing up and started kicking her legs. Refused to leave at all and after much persuasion we left cause the afternoon sun is too too hot!
washed her up and went to nearby Sentosa mall to have lunch. Only one cafe there called cafe moshi and they have kiddos set that comes with yakult. not to bad and at least is air conditioned with very good view of Sentosa.
the only shot that we took and was thinking to head back to snap some photos.
here is the smiley LX, so happy to be sitting on the inflatable bear
trying to imitate how the bear open up the hands lol
yakult series with the bears. she took her drink and pretended to share with them 😅
we are a shade darker at the end of the trip but is so worth to see this little one enjoying and having lots of fun.

hoping she stays this little for a while, growing up way too fast!

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