
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Botanical Garden Shoot

bought this #hollyhoque romper for CNY but didn’t get to wear it till last Sunday. It’s so comfy and it matches the colour of my new bag ✌🏻
a rare photo of us. #wefie taken while LX is napping in the stroller.
joined #nicolethen giveaway for existing customers sometime last year and thou we didn’t win the big prize I’m happy with a free 30 minutes family portrait given by her! it’s about time to update new family photos.

not an easy feat to get a toddler to warm up to shoot. LX is so aware of the surrounding and refused to come down to walk or run around botanical garden. It took her quite a while before she gets warmed up!
We took definitely more than 30 minutes for the shoot and Nicole kindly left one of her very jovial and fun loving photographer with us since LX just warmed up. Playing with leaves and bribing her with sweet actually work! She stopped requesting for “bao bao” and finally came down to run around. Kicking and playing leaves 🍁
We are not a nature lovers but once in a while it felt certainly nice to visit greenery. People watching was fun with the hub, some playing frisbee , kids scooting around and many was lazing around their picnic mat chit chatting. So much fun!
the confetti balloon that I bought for LX to hold for the shoot didn’t make it in any of the photos!! because it somehow went missing even before the photoshoot. was quite upset over it cause that’s probably the only thing that I have prepared.
my confetti rainbow balloon 🎈
looks quite pretty right! arggg..
hello swan! i don’t think I seen black swan around much?
look who’s happily eating vanilla ice cream all by herself! she didn’t share it with neither of us. that’s how we get her to wear her hairband, she refused to have anything on her head these days.

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