
Friday, December 8, 2017

DIY Christmas Wreath

one of my task that I have set out to do for this year Christmas is to DIY a Christmas wreath. At first glance, it was a bit daunting and a little advanced for me since I have never done any floral arrangement or attended any classes before much less to do a wreath.

I was so tempted and was at the verge of getting the ektory ones till I saw the one done by @tofulove. She DIY a very pretty and beautiful Christmas wreath! So inspired by it and decided to give it a try myself too.
Not to mention, is more economical and it gives a sense of satisfaction after completing it. It's like "wow. I didn't know I can do it too" that kind of feeling. lol

I went to pick up the materials and at this point of time I only know that I wanted a pop of red and tinge of pink in my wreath. I saw this "esther" dyed pink piece that caught my eyes when I went to the florist. Alongside, I picked up some real caspier flower, ivy leaves and some cotton flower which I didn't use it in the end.
randomly took some red flowers for the pop of reds that I wanted in the wreath. didn't know what's the name of them thou. the florist was like super nice! she loaned me some green wire and green tape, told me to use the wire to secure the leaf and flowers, tape to hold the flowers together. save some moolah since is like one off DIY project.

#DIY #dayrehomes
twirling the ivy leaves around the loop. it is actually not that difficult and once this is done, you are probably half way done. was so anxious that I couldn't wait and I went on to add some of the caspier flower on it.

I didn't plan where to put what etc, just go with my mood. So not much thought was put into it. I must say it is quite therapeutic in doing it listening to some Christmas carols.
caspier flowers bundled up.
random red flowers.
the so called "Esther" pink piece as said by the florist. after securing all these on the wreath, I ran out of the wires and had to call it a day. lol
Continued the next day and I decided not to overcrowd the wreath with cotton flowers. This is the final look of the wreath as of now. The ivy leave looks fuller on the first day itself and it kind shrunk a little. I am not sure how long will it last but was told that it will dried up in time to come.
Be Merry!

17 more nights to Christmas Day🎄

It's looking a lot more like Christmas now! can't help but to spam a little more photos of my wreath. tried hanging it on the door but my brown door doesn't match with the wreath. looks like it must be on a white background.

I'm still looking for the perfect place to put this and ahhh.. I still can't find the "eyes" of my reindeer pinata. It went missing after I gave it a colour lift from green to white.

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