
Monday, November 20, 2017


back to work today and already looking forward to knocking off. Missed having breakfast with this little one. As usual her mouth is always full of food and when there is food, she will be all on smiles!
very cheeky and often will ask me for more after she finished her breakfast. she can have a banana, biscuit and a small cup of cereal with milk on good days. hope we are not over feeding her 😂

she has been using this #yamatoya high chair ever since she started her solid. It certainly evolved from having a eating tray in front with safety hoop in between the legs and cushion back to now eating with us on the same table.
nowadays she insists on climbing up the chair rather than us carrying her up. so happy with this purchase and certainly worth it. there are so many things that we like about this chair! we like that it give a lot of flexibility and able to use it throughout her growing years. easy to clean and if you have chosen the white like us, it doesn't turn yellowish even with all the food mess she creates doing eating. super sturdy and is not flimsy at all.
one of our fully utilised item that we have bought thus far.

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