
Saturday, November 25, 2017


rare saturday afternoon that we are home. in laws went for a short trip to genting and we didn't have any thing planned because I have two events coming up. I need to be grounded at home to get things done.

it's so nice to be home and lazing on my sofa. it's like my me time now as little LX is taking her afternoon nap. constant struggle to decide if I should tidy the house or should I just slack and do nothing. woes of being a mum. #dayremummies
always a good idea to have flowers in the house. so pretty to look at and instantly lift up my mood. there's something that is so magical about flowers and the florist was telling me that it's 有钱人玩的 but I reckon market sell flower very cheaply. so the statement might not be true. lol

I'm still loving my pink #kmart vase, definitely hit the quota on the number of times that I have used it.

lunch menu for little LX for today = whatever that I can find in the fridge.

found a big slab of salmon fish and quickly googled what I can do with it. so "honey garlic salmon" it shall be. only three easy ingredients required for the sauce - honey, garlic and soy sauce. combine them.

Hubs was asking me what did I cook when he smell honey. We tried giving her honey water a few days ago but she refused to take them. So there might be chances that she might reject the food.
marinate the cut salmon with the combined sauce in a zip lock back for 15 minutes. then put it into the oven to bake.

pour the leftover sauce in a pot and thicken it using cornstarch. to be used to drizzle on top of the salmon. super healthy and easy to prepare.

#dayrecooks #winniecooks
lazy to cook rice, so boiled some pasta and a hard boiled egg for her lunch. the pasta is a win, she just love to see the animals and eat it. she finished the piece of salmon and left some egg and pasta. I find that she is a big eater with very good appetite. hope she grows vertically rather than horizontally and we didn't have any veg in the fridge. 😂

LX's dearest papa put up the curtain fairy lights that I got and since then each time before she sleeps, she will request to see the "stars" which is what she name it as.

The festive mood is slowly kicking in and it's starting to look a lot like Christmas. Time to do some x'mas shopping to fill up our mini Christmas tree at home. It's as tall as our little LX now. lol #LXroom

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