
Sunday, November 12, 2017


Little moments of LX

▫️Hub and me are sitting on the couch early in the morning while waiting for her to wake up. She suddenly walked out of her room by herself and i find it kinda cute! My tiny little baby is slowly but surely growing to be so independently. We used to carry her out from her cot but now she is like a grown up kid doing it all by herself.

▫️I was scratching my hands and she came forward to help me stratch it too. extremely sweet for her to do that.
▫️She took her own stool out without asking me from the bathroom to outside of the house where i was preparing the painting papers for her. She wanted to sit on the stool instead of standing to do her painting.

▫️She stands at boundary line of the carpark and waited patiently for her papa to come back to pick her up after he loads her pram into the car. Quite amazed how the papa has trained her well on this.

▫️She caught me by surprised by giving me a peck at my cheek randomly without me asking.
since where did she became so independent?

when she is little we wish that she could grow up a little faster. now that she is slightly independent we wish that time could actually stop for a little while.

It is so true that they will never be this little again! And as she grows, it also meant that we are getting older ourselves.

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