
Sunday, October 15, 2017

just another day.

my heart is so full of love today.

ok, not just today but today is exceptionally a little more than usual.

this man here remembered that I have always wanted to go back to this cafe to try out the brunch and he actually bought us there this morning before I fly off.

it is really the little things in life that matters in building a relationship in the long run.
egg benedict duck confit
mushroom omelette to share with LX.

their food never fail, so thankful for our friend to recommend to us this place. it comes with very reasonable pricing but it's always fully packed and we always ended up having to change our dining options because is full and doesn't take in reservation.
she is so full of expression and very cheeky. she eavesdrop on the table beside us and kept looking at them as if she is in the conversation till they stop and played with her a little.
never stop pouting her lips.

they offered her some truffle fries but we kindly rejected it. papa seng no fries 🍟 allowed. she finished up the toasted bread so when I'm back I shall toast some bread for her to eat too since she likes it.

her dots are drying up and no more ulcers in her throat anymore. papa seng is still a little worried of sending her to my mum place.

I think he will disinfect my mum place by himself before he is willing to send her there. lol let's see.
so happy to be munching on swensen ice cream's waffles biscuits.
spending quality time with grandparents and there are miffy event going on at the mall. this little one always make them smile so happily.

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