
Wednesday, October 11, 2017



My elder nephew was the first to diagnosed with it. He has no symptoms such as fever, itchiness and only a few spots were spotted on his hands. My sister thought is some dirt or rashes that will go away and didn't pay much attention to it. Eventually when she did, he was given a ten days MC.

My little nephew was allowed to go to school A in the morning but was rejected by school B in the afternoon. That's when sister suspected he must have been infected by his brother.
This two weeks, little LX only goes to my mum's place on Tuesday and Thursdays because she have classes in the morning else I would have kept her home with me.

So as per routine she went over this morning and mum bought her to class, went back home fed her lunch. A total of 3.5 hours spent there before we picked her straight after my sister broke the news.

My mum on the other hand do not have the idea/concept of being "quarantine" and she got a little upset that we are bringing her home.
My niece are the strongest among them now!

So we tried to see if there are any signs of HFMD by using the checklist below:

1) Rashes or small blisters on the legs/thighs (only found one dot and spots on her buttock)
2) ulcers on the inside of mouth or sides of tongue (only found one at the side of the mouth)
3) Fever (forehead feels a bit warmish)
4) Lethargy (Happily playing and walking around)
5) Poor appetite (Finished a slice of watermelon by herself)

#dayremums #dayremummies #hfmd
Mixed findings and ended we brought her to GP for a check cause we are so afraid that she might be a carrier and spread it to others especially there are so many kids at our level and little friends that she played with.

Thank God she is not having HMFD!

The spots are isolated and do not have blisters. The buttock spots are just rashes, we suspect it must be the cloth diaper that she wear at my mum's place. BUT she is indeed having a viral fever.
How to disinfect the toys/home.
The first thought that came up to my mind after we self declared that she must have gotten the virus.
Did a little research and found the following:

1) It is important to keep a lookout for these ingredients in the disinfect spray: Quartenary Ammonium Hypochloride, or Sodium Hypochlroide.

2) Must be baby safe just in case they put the toys into their mouth.

3) Not only wipe the toys. The most important and forgotten area are the taps and handles of the door where they come in contact with.
Spick Antiseptic Germicide Disinfectant Spray.

Spray, Wipe, Spray Wipe and repeat.
This is also the time that I'm thankful there isn't much soft toys in the home and most of it are wooden/plastic toys which makes cleaning so much easier. The saying "less is more" is very apt for this situation. Minimalist is really the way to go.
We don't usually buy toys and mostly are passed down from my sisters or gifts but we do indulge once in a while on special occasions like birthday etc.
Papa Seng is on childcare MC to take care of her today and between she loves to take medicine since she was young.
Friendly Papa Seng loves to chit chat with Neighbours and he was told to give LX coconut so that she will recover faster.

So he went to ntuc to get her coconut. lol
she doesn't look like she is sick, still very cheeky and bubbly. Occasionally she is extremely whiny and only wants her papa.

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