
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Land of ZooMoov

Happened to be at Marina Square last Sunday to celebrate hubs niece birthday. There was this "Land of Zoomoov" event going on and SIL signed the kids up to play in the "sand" pit which are essentially replaced by cassie seeds. Quite an interesting concept for sensory play.

Yay to not being dirty and messy for the kids! The wait was quite long thou, we waited for an hour for the assigned time slots. They are then given an hour of play time in the pit.
Filling up the tractor with seeds.
She had so much fun hiding her legs in the seeds.
then lifting off the seeds to unhide her legs 😂
There are a lot of props and toys for them to play.
toy house with slide.

I think the older kids generally are a little aggressive and possessive when it comes to the idea of sharing the toys.

There was this little girl who was guarding the door and refusing to let the rest of them in. Some kids even said please to her but she refused.

She gave me a very stern face when I asked her to open the door and share with other kids. No idea how to deal with such situation thou. Her parents are no where to be seen. 😰

#dayremummies #dayremums
construction worker in action.
I told her I'm going to cover her with seeds 😂
One parent is allowed to go in and it is actually very therapeutic to be playing with so much seeds.

Heard from the staff they will be moving this "sand pit" to HarbourFront or Jem next!
this cutie little niece turned one..had a cosy family lunch to celebrate this milestone and she was so happy to see all the balloons. 🎈

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