
Friday, September 1, 2017

East Coast Park | Baked Chicken

Only IF.....every week is a four day work week! LX woke up really earlier than usual on a public holiday.
It seemed like she knows that PH means we don't need to work and can bring her out to have fun without having the need to be cooped up either at 婆婆/奶奶 house.

She is a early bird and it is really true of this statement "早起的鸟儿有虫吃”. No queue at MacDonald on a PH and everywhere that we went were not crowded.

By the time when we were leaving, streams and stream of people were flowing in.
East Coast Park for some sand play.
she loves to destroy the sand castle rather than building it.
she kept calling out to her papa and refused to let him walked off or even to stand up and stretched his leg. She only want Papa to play with her.

I kept laughing at him thou, I like it when she prefer me over his dad sometimes. Rest time for me! 😂
she gets really excited when lifting up the sand castle pail and scream a little each time she does it. This is one of her weird antics in the ever growing list!
After a good 30-40 minutes of sand play, she got really bored and started to mimic after me. I tried sitting on the stone ledge and so did she.
off we went for some Cycling! We wasn't sure if she was ok with being sitting on the cycle seat so we only rented one bicycle.

It turned out that she was pretty chillax and cool about being on it!
I think it must have been a decade ever since I rode a bicycle. We had a good 40 minutes of cycling and LX sat there looking at the scenery with wind blowing in her face.

It's a good exercise for the both of us too! Our legs were aching while cycling yesterday. This shows how long we haven't been exercising!

It's kinda surreal to be cycling together with my kid. I don't know why! Probably the last time we went cycling together at ECP was when we were still dating during our school days. 😂
I got my MIL to get chicken, fish and prawn from the wet market just so that I can cook during the long weekend.

Finally putting those herbs and powder that I bought from Aussie into good use. Marinated the chicken with mixed herbs, black pepper and paprika chili, put them into the oven along with some cut potato.
Baked for 30 minutes and dinner is ready to be served. I tried this combi to bake golden mushroom before and it tasted really yummy and very juicy with the seasoning and oil for the chicken itself.
Boiled ikan bilis with scallop soup for LX and added all these ingredients.

Scope it out on the plate to make it easier for her to eat with a small bowl of soup at the side. These days she loves to drink soup.

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